Email Marketing Campaigns

Manage email campaigns at scale without being at your desk around the clock

Launch sophisticated email campaigns with ease, test what works and what doesn’t and optimize sending time with precise scheduling for maximum engagement.

What can you do with Nautilus?


Optimize your email content and strategy by testing variations and measuring performance.

Remove uncertainty, assumptions and past experiences from your email marketing by constantly finding new opportunities for improvement.

Prepare emails and choose the perfect time to send for maximum engagement.

Schedule emails to be sent at certain times and dates without manually having to be at your desk and send them.

Easily send newsletters and announcements to your entire audience or specific segments.

Overcome the challenge of manually communicating time-sensitive information with large audiences and save time by running large campaigns efficiently.

Automate a series of emails to nurture leads over time.

Provide relevant content to each prospect automatically as they progress through the decision-making process, increasing the chances of conversion.

Leverage data to determine the ideal send times for each of your subscribers.

Remove the guesswork out of finding the best time to send your emails and let Nautilus determine the optimal time to deliver it.

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Get an answer to every question

Can I create email campaigns without design or coding skills?

Absolutely. Nautilus offers a user-friendly drag-and-drop editor, making it easy to create visually appealing campaigns without design or coding expertise.

How does precise scheduling work, and why is it important?

Precise scheduling ensures your emails reach subscribers’ inboxes at optimal times, increasing the likelihood of opens and clicks. Nautilus takes the guesswork out of scheduling.

What types of email campaigns can I create with Nautilus?

Nautilus supports various campaign types, including A/B split tests, broadcast newsletters, drip campaigns, and targeted email sequences, giving you the versatility to meet your marketing goals.

How does Send Time Optimization improve open rates?

Send Time Optimization analyzes subscriber behavior and sends emails at times when they’re most likely to engage, resulting in higher open rates and better campaign performance.

How can detailed reporting and analytics benefit my campaigns?

Nautilus’ reporting and analytics provide insights into campaign performance. You can track opens, clicks, conversions, and more, allowing you to refine your strategies for improved results.