Email Audience Management

Struggling to organize and efficiently target your email audience?

Discover How Nautilus Simplifies Email Audience Management for Better Engagement and Targeted Messaging!

What can you do with Nautilus?


Categorize your audience into distinct groups using criteria like behavior, demographics or engagement​

Stop sending generic emails that don’t resonate with your subscribers, Start using segments to send personalized content to relevant subscribers at the right stage of their customer’s journey.

Label and organize your subscribers with tags for more targeted messaging

New Customers, Frequent Shoppers or leads interested in Product X all needs to be served with different content. Use tags to record how subscribers joined your list, what they’re interested in and what they bought from you.

Collect and use custom data fields to personalize emails and tailor content.

Never be limited by the data types you can save. Model data points per each list, collect the data using forms and use it to personalize your emails.

Easily move data in and out of the platform to keep your lists up-to-date.

Save time & effort by using our automated data import / export. Add all your current subscribers with just a few clicks and export any data you wish for safe keeping on your device.

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Get an answer to every question

How does Nautilus help with audience segmentation?

Nautilus offers dynamic tagging and customizable data fields that allow you to segment your audience based on various criteria, including behavior and preferences. This ensures that you can send targeted messages to the right people.

How does Nautilus clean and maintain my email list?

Nautilus has built-in list cleaning tools that automatically remove invalid or unsubscribed email addresses. It also provides insights into list health and compliance, helping you maintain a clean and engaged audience.

Can Nautilus help personalize emails for our subscribers?

Yes, Nautilus offers dynamic content capabilities, including personalization using custom data fields. You can send personalized product recommendations, promotions, and more to increase engagement.

How does audience management improve engagement rates?

By segmenting your audience effectively and personalizing content, you send more relevant emails, which naturally lead to higher open and click-through rates. Nautilus streamlines these processes for you.

Is Nautilus easy to integrate with my existing systems?

Yes, Nautilus offers seamless data integrations, making it compatible with many popular CRM and email marketing platforms. Integrating Nautilus into your existing workflow is straightforward and efficient.